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Function to create a CallbackAsyncTuning. Predefined callbacks are stored in the dictionary mlr_callbacks and can be retrieved with clbk().

Tuning callbacks can be called from different stages of the tuning process. The stages are prefixed with on_*.

Start Tuning
     - on_optimization_begin
    Start Worker
         - on_worker_begin
         Start Optimization on Worker
           - on_optimizer_before_eval
             Start Evaluation
               - on_eval_after_xs
                 Start Resampling Iteration
                   - on_resample_begin
                   - on_resample_before_train
                   - on_resample_before_predict
                   - on_resample_end
                 End Resampling Iteration
               - on_eval_after_resample
               - on_eval_before_archive
             End Evaluation
          - on_optimizer_after_eval
         End Optimization on Worker
         - on_worker_end
    End Worker
     - on_tuning_result_begin
     - on_result_begin
     - on_result_end
     - on_optimization_end
End Tuning

See also the section on parameters for more information on the stages. A tuning callback works with ContextAsyncTuning.


  label = NA_character_,
  man = NA_character_,
  on_optimization_begin = NULL,
  on_worker_begin = NULL,
  on_optimizer_before_eval = NULL,
  on_eval_after_xs = NULL,
  on_resample_begin = NULL,
  on_resample_before_train = NULL,
  on_resample_before_predict = NULL,
  on_resample_end = NULL,
  on_eval_after_resample = NULL,
  on_eval_before_archive = NULL,
  on_optimizer_after_eval = NULL,
  on_worker_end = NULL,
  on_tuning_result_begin = NULL,
  on_result_begin = NULL,
  on_result_end = NULL,
  on_result = NULL,
  on_optimization_end = NULL



Identifier for the new instance.


Label for the new instance.


String in the format [pkg]::[topic] pointing to a manual page for this object. The referenced help package can be opened via method $help().


Stage called at the beginning of the optimization. Called in Optimizer$optimize(). The functions must have two arguments named callback and context.


Stage called at the beginning of the optimization on the worker. Called in the worker loop. The functions must have two arguments named callback and context.


Stage called after the optimizer proposes points. Called in OptimInstance$.eval_point(). The functions must have two arguments named callback and context. The argument of instance$.eval_point(xs) and xs_trafoed and extra are available in the context. Or xs and xs_trafoed of instance$.eval_queue() are available in the context.


Stage called after xs is passed to the objective. Called in ObjectiveTuningAsync$eval(). The functions must have two arguments named callback and context. The argument of $.eval(xs) is available in the context.


Stage called at the beginning of a resampling iteration. Called in workhorse() (internal). See also mlr3::callback_resample(). The functions must have two arguments named callback and context.


Stage called before training the learner. Called in workhorse() (internal). See also mlr3::callback_resample(). The functions must have two arguments named callback and context.


Stage called before predicting. Called in workhorse() (internal). See also mlr3::callback_resample(). The functions must have two arguments named callback and context.


Stage called at the end of a resampling iteration. Called in workhorse() (internal). See also mlr3::callback_resample(). The functions must have two arguments named callback and context.


Stage called after a hyperparameter configuration is evaluated. Called in ObjectiveTuningAsync$eval(). The functions must have two arguments named callback and context. The resample_result is available in the `context


Stage called before performance values are written to the archive. Called in ObjectiveTuningAsync$eval(). The functions must have two arguments named callback and context. The aggregated_performance is available in context.


Stage called after points are evaluated. Called in OptimInstance$.eval_point(). The functions must have two arguments named callback and context.


Stage called at the end of the optimization on the worker. Called in the worker loop. The functions must have two arguments named callback and context.


Stage called at the beginning of the result writing. Called in TuningInstance*$assign_result(). The functions must have two arguments named callback and context. The arguments of $assign_result(xdt, y, learner_param_vals, extra) are available in context.


Stage called at the beginning of the result writing. Called in OptimInstance$assign_result(). The functions must have two arguments named callback and context. The arguments of $.assign_result(xdt, y, extra) are available in the context.


Stage called after the result is written. Called in OptimInstance$assign_result(). The functions must have two arguments named callback and context. The final result instance$result is available in the context.


Deprecated. Use on_result_end instead. Stage called after the result is written. Called in OptimInstance$assign_result().


Stage called at the end of the optimization. Called in Optimizer$optimize().


When implementing a callback, each function must have two arguments named callback and context. A callback can write data to the state ($state), e.g. settings that affect the callback itself. Tuning callbacks access ContextAsyncTuning and mlr3::ContextResample.