Class for Logging Evaluated Hyperparameter Configurations
The ArchiveBatchTuning
stores all evaluated hyperparameter configurations and performance scores in a data.table::data.table()
The ArchiveBatchTuning is a container around a data.table::data.table()
Each row corresponds to a single evaluation of a hyperparameter configuration.
See the section on Data Structure for more information.
The archive stores additionally a mlr3::BenchmarkResult ($benchmark_result
) that records the resampling experiments.
Each experiment corresponds to to a single evaluation of a hyperparameter configuration.
The table ($data
) and the benchmark result ($benchmark_result
) are linked by the uhash
If the archive is passed to as.data.table()
, both are joined automatically.
Data Structure
The table ($data
) has the following columns:
One column for each hyperparameter of the search space (
).One (list-)column for the
One column for each performance measure (
Lists of (transformed) hyperparameter values that are passed to the learner.runtime_learners
Sum of training and predict times logged in learners per mlr3::ResampleResult / evaluation. This does not include potential overhead time.timestamp
Time stamp when the evaluation was logged into the archive.batch_nr
Hyperparameters are evaluated in batches. Each batch has a unique batch number.uhash
Connects each hyperparameter configuration to the resampling experiment stored in the mlr3::BenchmarkResult.
For analyzing the tuning results, it is recommended to pass the ArchiveBatchTuning to as.data.table()
The returned data table is joined with the benchmark result which adds the mlr3::ResampleResult for each hyperparameter evaluation.
The archive provides various getters (e.g. $learners()
) to ease the access.
All getters extract by position (i
) or unique hash (uhash
For a complete list of all getters see the methods section.
The benchmark result ($benchmark_result
) allows to score the hyperparameter configurations again on a different measure.
Alternatively, measures can be supplied to as.data.table()
The mlr3viz package provides visualizations for tuning results.
S3 Methods
as.data.table.ArchiveTuning(x, unnest = "x_domain", exclude_columns = "uhash", measures = NULL)
Returns a tabular view of all evaluated hyperparameter configurations.
ArchiveBatchTuning ->data.table::data.table()
Transforms list columns to separate columns. Set toNULL
if no column should be unnested.exclude_columns
Exclude columns from table. Set toNULL
if no column should be excluded.measures
(List of mlr3::Measure)
Score hyperparameter configurations on additional measures.
Super classes
-> bbotk::ArchiveBatch
-> ArchiveBatchTuning
Public fields
Benchmark result.
Active bindings
The search space containing those parameters that are internally optimized by themlr3::Learner
Inherited methods
Method new()
Creates a new instance of this R6 class.
check_values = FALSE,
internal_search_space = NULL
Hyperparameter search space. IfNULL
(default), the search space is constructed from the paradox::TuneToken of the learner's parameter set (learner$param_set).codomain
Specifies codomain of objective function i.e. a set of performance measures. Internally created from provided mlr3::Measures.check_values
(default), hyperparameter configurations are check for validity.internal_search_space
(paradox::ParamSet or
The internal search space.
Method learner()
Retrieve mlr3::Learner of the i-th evaluation, by position or by unique hash uhash
and uhash
are mutually exclusive.
Learner does not contain a model. Use $learners()
to get learners with models.
Method learners()
Retrieve list of trained mlr3::Learner objects of the i-th evaluation, by position or by unique hash uhash
and uhash
are mutually exclusive.
Method learner_param_vals()
Retrieve param values of the i-th evaluation, by position or by unique hash uhash
and uhash
are mutually exclusive.
Method predictions()
Retrieve list of mlr3::Prediction objects of the i-th evaluation, by position or by unique hash uhash
and uhash
are mutually exclusive.
Method resample_result()
Retrieve mlr3::ResampleResult of the i-th evaluation, by position or by unique hash uhash
and uhash
are mutually exclusive.